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Understanding Infertility | Advanced Fertility Care

Learn about infertility and our services dedicated to helping you on your journey to parenthood.

Every First Wednesday at 6:00 pm | Hosted Online

AFC Provider Hosted Monthly Support & Wellness Groups

Participate in our monthly topical support group led by our licensed mental health professional, Morgan Neary, LMSW. These meetings explore diverse facets of the fertility journey, covering topics such as nurturing closeness throughout fertility treatments and navigating grief while cultivating inner strength. Secure your spot today for these supportive sessions hosted online every first Wednesday of the month.

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Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system that interferes with a couple’s ability to have a baby. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine tells patients that if they have been unable to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse, they need to seek help from a fertility specialist. This time frame falls to 6 months in women age 35 and older.

The Bad News About Infertility:

  • Infertility strikes over 6 million women (15-20% of all couples).
  • Infertility affects both men and women.
  • Infertility affects people of all races and ethnicities.

The Good News About Infertility:

  • You are not alone! There are many medical centers, support groups, websites and services all dedicated to helping you in your journey to parenthood.
  • Technology and IVF success rates continue to get better each year, offering you an even better chance of achieving a pregnancy.
  • Almost all patients who seek medical care and treatment from Advanced Fertility Care end up with a baby.

Infertility Resources