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Your Monthly Menstrual Cycle | Advanced Fertility Care

Understanding your menstrual cycle is a critical step in getting pregnant. Check out our helpful resources and get answers to frequently asked questions.

Every Last Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm | Hosted online

AFC Provider Hosted Monthly Support & Wellness Groups

Participate in our monthly topical support group led by our licensed mental health professional, Morgan Neary, LMSW. These meetings explore diverse facets of the fertility journey, covering topics such as nurturing closeness throughout fertility treatments and navigating grief while cultivating inner strength. Secure your spot today for these supportive sessions, taking place on the second Wednesday of every month.

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Understanding your menstrual cycle is a critical step in getting pregnant. In order to achieve pregnancy, ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) must occur. Therefore, one of the main questions women ask is, “How do I know I am ovulating?” The answer to this is fairly simple– in general, women who have regular menstrual cycles can be fairly certain that they are ovulating. We know this because in order for a period to come regularly there are certain events that must occur in the ovary and uterus.

How Does Ovulation Work?

First, several of the immature eggs present in the ovary at the beginning of the cycle will begin developing and growing. The older a woman is, the less eggs are available every month. During the first 9 or 10 days of the cycle, one of the eggs is selected by the ovary to be the “dominant” egg that will eventually mature completely and be released. While it is maturing, the ovary produces estrogen which tells the brain that the ovary is working and also causes thickening of the uterine lining getting ready for implantation of a fertilized egg. Once this egg reaches maturity within its follicle (fluid filled cavity), a surge of hormones from the brain called LH (luteinizing hormone which can be measured by an ovulation predictor kit) causes release of the egg from its follicle. Once the egg is released, the now empty follicle is called a corpus luteum cyst and has the sole purpose of producing the hormone progesterone which acts as the glue keeping the uterine lining intact in preparation for an embryo implanting. The egg will then be picked up by one of the fallopian tubes and hopefully become fertilized by sperm in the tube and then travel into the uterus where it will implant into the thickened uterine wall.

If the egg is successfully fertilized by a sperm and does successfully implant into the wall, the tissue releases human chorionic gonadotropin HCG hormone (the hormone of pregnancy) which causes pregnancy tests to turn positive. If pregnancy does not occur, then the corpus luteum in the ovary stops producing progesterone after approximately 14 days and the lack of progesterone in the uterus causes the lining of the uterus to shed – the beginning of a woman’s period.

How Many Days Out of the Month is a Woman Fertile?

How Do You Track Your Ovulation?

Many people often ask, “How many days out of the month is a woman fertile?” The answer varies from person to person, however, typically women ovulate for about 5-6 days every month. Ovulation usually occurs 12-15 days before a woman’s menstrual period begins. Often women  track their ovulation using a calendar based on their last menstrual cycle. Other techniques for tracking ovulation include basal body temperature, hormone monitoring, and the cervical mucus method.

Can You Only Get Pregnant on your Fertile Days?

Although it is most likely that women will conceive during ovulation, it is not always the case. Sperm can live in the woman’s reproductive tract for up to five days. If ovulation occurs within a few days after the sperm has been released into the reproductive tract, pregnancy can occur.

Infertility Resources